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General Knowledge on World Geography

(Click on suggested Options to select the answer | Color Red means : Wrong & Green Means: Correct)
341. The iron and steel industries of which of the following countries are almost fully dependent on imported raw materials?
342. With the disintegration of USSR in end 1991, comprised of ____ Union Republics.
343. Which of the following is tropical grassland?
344. The habitats valuable for commercially harvested species are called
345. Without ____ the equator would be much hotter than it is while the poles would be much cooler.
  • A. latitudinal redistribution of heat
  • B. cycle of air circulation
  • C. global wind pattern
  • D. All are similar terms
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346. The landmass of which of the following continents is the least?
347. The light of distant stars is affected by
348. The intersecting lines drawn on maps and globes are
349. The great Victoria Desert is located in
350. The hazards of radiation belts include
  • A. deterioration of electronic circuits
  • B. damage of solar cells of spacecraft
  • C. adverse effect on living organisms
  • D. All of the above
  • Check Answer | Discussion

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