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General Knowledge on Sports

(Click on suggested Options to select the answer | Color Red means : Wrong & Green Means: Correct)
431. Recently was Sourav Kothari in news. he is associated with ?
432. The players of 'Ryder Cup' is awarded to  -
433.  The 1980 Olympic Games held in Moscow which country led a boycott?
434. Instituted in the year was the Dronacharya Award for sports coaches -   
435. Which of the following games "Cue ball, break shot, pool table" are terms associated with  ?
436. Among the following is the correct combination - 
  • A. Rafael Nadal - Tennis, Neymar - Badminton
  • B. Rafael Nadal - Badminton, Neymar - Tennis
  • C. Rafael Nadal - Football, Neymar - Football
  • D. Rafael Nadal - Tennis, Neymar - Football
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437. Who among the following is an Olympic Medal winner?
438. Which of the following award is outstanding achievement in sports given to recognize ?
439. Approximately is the distance covered in half Marathon -
440. In World Cup Cricket who among the following has scored first double century ?

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