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General Knowledge on General Science

(Click on suggested Options to select the answer | Color Red means : Wrong & Green Means: Correct)
201. A ray of white light strike the surface of an object.If all the colours are reflected, the surface would appear
202. What should be the angle for throw of any projectile to achieve maximum vertical range?
203. DDT is a
204. From which part of plant the "Asafoetida or Hing " is obtained?
205. Who is the father of immunology?
206. Commercially used cotton fibre is a part of
207. Which of the following hormones cause foolish seedling disease of rice?
208. Plasminogen activator or enzyme TPA is used for
  • A. stimulating thromboplastin production
  • B. clearing turbidity of juices
  • C. maintaining plasma content
  • D. dissolving blood clots
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209. The cutting of DNA at specific locations bacame possible with the discovery of
210. The method of reproduction of new plants by cells instead of seed known as

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