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General Knowledge on Biology

(Click on suggested Options to select the answer | Color Red means : Wrong & Green Means: Correct)
201. The vitamin which is generally excreted by humans in urine is
202. Which among the following is the first hormone produced by genetic engineering?
203. Which one among the following organs manufacture albumin, fibrinogen and prothrombin ?
204. Lichens are examples of
205. Muscles of which one among the following body parts contract slowly, but can remain contracted for a longer time ?
206. Which one among the following diseases is not caused by polluted water?
207. Which one among the following parts is used to obtain the purest from of cellulose from plants?
208. If a dicot stem is stained with safranin and fast green, the phloem will pick up
209. Which one among the following micro orgainisms can be used in "Microbial fuel cells"?
210. The pH of human blood is normally around

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